2023 Timetable!

We have released the timetable for our 2023 classes, and you might notice some changes. We are opening up a new Chemistry class due to overwhelming enquiries from last year and have decided to migrate our Year 7-11 maths into a 1-on-1 format as that will provide more specific help over time. We are setting up an external platform to manage maths tutoring and our excellent tutors.

Please see the below timetable for your relevant subject. Our time format is the same as last year as it seems to have a good balance.

If you wish to inquire about enrolling, please send us a message (either on this website or through Facebook / Instagram), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

2023 Timetable

Tips for Exam Study

It is a stressful and often overwhelming feeling when studying for the HSC and trying to balance all subjects. With a plan in place and good foundations for learning, exam study stress can reduce significantly so you achieve to your best.

Give Yourself Space

Create an area of your home that is free from distractions as best you can. Ensuring the space is dedicated to study will help the mindset that when you are at your desk, you are ready to learn.

Create a section of your study area for visible notes, as this will help you review content when passing by your study.

Make sure to take regular breaks during studying and spend time outside if its a nice day. A small amount of sun can really help you feel good about exam study.

Make a Plan

Making a study routine or schedule lets you visualise when your exams are going to occur and what length you should study for them each day. Time spend planning will help in the future. Get help from your tutor or teacher to come up with a study plan that can work well for you.

Once you have a plan established, set goals you want to achieve during your study that revolve around the syllabus. Longer times for study should be used for the trickier dot-points.

Concentrate on making sure that the goals you are setting are achievable in the time frame. It can be tempting to aim high, but the study plan should reflect multiple big and little wins on your study path. Too big too soon can lead to burn out and stress.

Slow and steady can win the race.

Find what works for you.

There are different techniques that work well for different people. Find some techniques that work well for you. Some people thrive by rewriting content, others like to create diagrams, others like to colour-code their work, and others will watch video content. A mixture of mediums can help keep study fresh.

Do Practice Exams

Use past exam papers to your advantage. They can be the best indicator of styles of questions you can expect to see. Try to use them in your study space and simulate the same length of time the exam goes for and see how much progress you can make.

Always ask for help from peers or your teachers when you need it. Staying on track is key to your success. Different viewpoints will help wrap your head around various approaches to questions.

Get in Touch with Us

We want to take the stress out of your HSC and if you think we can be of any help, please give us a call, or find us on Facebook and Instagram.

2022 Timetable!

We released the timetable for our 2022 classes. Please see the below timetable for your relevant subject. Our format is the same as last year as it seems to have a good balance.

If you wish to inquire about enrolling, please send us a message (either on this website or through Facebook / Instagram), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

2021 Timetable!

We released the timetable for our 2021 classes. Please see the below timetable for your relevant subject. The biggest change is the format of maths- all maths will now run on Tuesdays.

If you wish to inquire about enrolling, please send us a message (either on this website or through Facebook / Instagram), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

2020 Timetable!

We released the timetable for our 2020 classes. Please see the below timetable for your relevant subject. The biggest change is the format of maths- all maths will now run on Tuesdays.

If you wish to inquire about enrolling, please send us a message (either on this website or through Facebook), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The HSC timetable has been released!

2019 HSC Timetable

The 2019 HSC timetable has been released!


Here are some quick highlights:
MATHEMATICS – Friday 25/10
BIOLOGY – Monday 28/10
MATHS EXTENSION 1 – Monday 4/11
CHEMISTRY – Thursday 7/11
PHYSICS – 11/11

We still have a few places left in our Year 12 classes. Please contact us for enrollment details.
Our Year 11 Maths and Science classes are filling up quickly too!

Focus Tutoring Frog

Look Out For The Fauna!

We love our local wildlife and wanted to make everyone coming to/from the classroom aware of the local fauna in the area. Creatures are usually small and see you coming, but as the rain sets in during Winter, please be on the lookout for critters that may be on the footpath and give them plenty of room 🐸🐍🦎🐢 Secondly, a notice to be safe on the driveway during the rain. The surface may be slippery and it might be safer to walk over the grassed area as it will provide more grip!
We currently have positions available in Year 11 and 12 Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Call us if you would like some HSC assistance.

Get in Touch with Us

We want to take the stress out of your HSC and if you think we can be of any help, please give us a call, or find us on Facebook and Instagram.